Hello 2025
Well, it’s here, 2025. It seems like Y2K was just yesterday and we all the world was going to end, wasn’t that a laugh. To be honest, I don’t have much planned for 2025. We just moved to Texas, and hopefully we are done with moving for some time.
Career, work, or just being productive wise, I have two more SANS certs to complete in the next five months. Hopefully I will be back in the gainfully employed world not long after that.
Other than that, though, I don’t have a lot planned. I would like to read more, which I say every year. Get healthier is also on the list. But I don’t have any grand plans. Take care of the home and the kids are the main priorities. Oh, and as stated above, become gainfully employed again.
I hope everyone out there in ole’ internet land has a fruitful and peaceful year ahead. Here is to making it to 2026!