Music vs Podcasts
Most of my entertainment is audio, podcasts specifically. I watch very few TV shows, I maybe one to three going ever, so that’s like three hours of TV a week. Sometimes there is a new show that is fully available and that turns into a couple day binge. But most of the time I’m listening to podcasts.
I’m also a music lover, who isn’t right? But I find myself listening to less and less music. My podcast subscription list has grown quite long. I find myself listening most of the day and not ever really catching up with all the new episodes. I think this is a problem. In all reality, I feel for sanity and my own relaxation music trumps podcasts. I need to find a way to listen to it more.
To start off, I think I need to lessen the number of podcasts I listen to regularly. There are a couple I’ve been listening to for over a decade (Coder Radio and Linux Unplugged) and I am forever loyal too. The rest are iffy, most are tech podcasts covering different subjects. I need to find one other tech podcast that is short and broadly covers all the other tech news, I do like to keep up. Then the rest, like Rogan, I will just peek at occasionally to see who’s been on; I rarely listen to every episode, I’m just interested in specific guests now and again. Oh, and one daily news show, that is really short, for the breadth of non-tech stuff.
And from there, I will spend the rest of my listening time with Music. Which I hope to have encompass maybe two thirds of my day instead of the maybe five percent it has been of late.
Maybe I will set rules, podcasts for chores and work around the house and music in the car or something. I’m not sure, but there will definitely be a lot of tweaking involved. In the end, I really want to listen to more music and not have FOMO because I missed some random podcast.
How do other internet denizens feel about it? Do you find yourself struggling to balance your listening time? Feel free to drop a note.