
Full Post List

Mar 13, 2025: Testing.

Mar 7, 2025: Testing.

Mar 6, 2025: asdfasdf asdfasdf asdfasdf

Mar 5, 2025: Hello world.

Mar 5, 2025: Test title The morning mist curled lazily between the towering trees, their ancient trunks wrapped in emerald moss. Sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, ā€¦

Mar 1, 2025: abc hello. testing.

Mar 1, 2025: asdf zzz hello world.

Mar 1, 2025: asdfasdfadsf asdfasdf asdfasdf

Feb 24, 2025: first Hereā€™s the second and the third

Feb 24, 2025: alsdkfj laskjdf lkasjd flkjasdlfkjasldfjlaskdjflaksjdf alksdjflakjsdlfkjasdf

Feb 24, 2025: Testing. Hello.

Feb 21, 2025: Test photo.

Feb 21, 2025: Hello.

Feb 21, 2025: asdfasdfasdfasdf asdfasdfasdf

Feb 20, 2025: Test.

Feb 20, 2025: Test sharing.

Feb 20, 2025: Test.

Feb 18, 2025: Testing.

Feb 17, 2025: Finished reading: The Lost Bookshop by Evie Woods. Not all of it worked for me but Iā€™ll read almost any book about books. Also some nice historical ā€¦

Feb 17, 2025: test alsdkfjlkasdjflkajsdflkajsdf. hi.asdf

Feb 17, 2025: Test story The morning mist curled lazily between the towering trees, their ancient trunks wrapped in emerald moss. Sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, ā€¦

Feb 17, 2025: Testing new blog post.

Feb 14, 2025: Story test The morning mist curled lazily between the towering trees, their ancient trunks wrapped in emerald moss. Sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, ā€¦

Feb 14, 2025: asdfasdf

Feb 13, 2025: asdfasdfasdf

Feb 11, 2025: Testing videoā€¦

Feb 11, 2025: asdfasdfasdfasdf

Feb 11, 2025: Testing.

Feb 9, 2025: Test for Christmas.

Feb 8, 2025: asdfasdf future again.

Feb 8, 2025: asdfasdfasdf future

Feb 8, 2025: Hello world.

Feb 6, 2025: lkajds flkj asdlfkj alsdjflajdsflkjasdlfkj

Feb 6, 2025: asdfadsasdf

Feb 6, 2025: abcdef! testing.

Feb 6, 2025: asdfasdfasdf zzzzzz

Feb 6, 2025: asdfasdfasdf. hi. šŸ¤Ŗ

Feb 5, 2025: asdfasdfasdf

Feb 5, 2025: Dare I even consider... Microsoft? For some reason, today, I have been pondering a return to Microsoft Products. I mean, Iā€™ve been running Windows for some time now. Iā€™m not sure if ā€¦

Feb 4, 2025: InCoWriMo Why have I not heard of this until today? InCoWriMo orĀ International Correspondence Writing MonthĀ sounds to be right up my alley. I love writing ā€¦

Feb 3, 2025: AI spares bugs life! So, I donā€™t use ChatGPT for anything serious these days, but today I discovered this guy crawling on one my dog Hazelā€™s prize turds.Ā <img height="797" ā€¦

Feb 3, 2025: Iā€™m getting rounder As the sun burns brighter each day I notice what could only be a beach ballĀ appearing behind the profile of my shadow, or is that just me? Well yes it ā€¦

Feb 3, 2025: Germany and Cowboys Chris Ledoux came on my radio while I was driving this morning and of all things it brought me back to Germany. Germany you may say, hell Chris Ledoux ā€¦

Feb 2, 2025: My new social media plan... Building off my last post, Iā€™ve been thinking more and more about the social media madness, and with a little inspiration from Kevin Quirk, Iā€™m going ā€¦

Feb 2, 2025: asdfasdf hello

Jan 31, 2025: Doh! Yes, another title with no real meaning. I am seriously thinking of stopping half of my use of social media. ā€œHalf?ā€ you may say. Yes, after getting ā€¦

Jan 30, 2025: Trouble, Blah blah, mumble mumble.. The other week, there was a small battle on the internet between two web serviceĀ founders. At this point, I do not care about the topic of the battle ā€¦

Jan 29, 2025: hellooooo

Jan 29, 2025: test test test test test. šŸ˜€

Jan 27, 2025: asdfasdf asdfasdf!

Jan 25, 2025: Change Too much change, too fast. I like things to move slower. Not that I fear change, once I've decided to change, I may move quicker than most. But until ā€¦

Jan 23, 2025: Reply by email instead... Since I set up this blog on Pika I created a contact page, this one here, which I really am starting to love. When I blogged directly from MicroBlog ā€¦

Jan 21, 2025: testing hi hi hi.

Jan 21, 2025: asdfasdf asdfasdf

Jan 21, 2025: Digital Journaling No matter how much I like the analog life, when it comes to journaling I feel digital is much easier at times. Probably seventy-five percent of my ā€¦

Jan 20, 2025: Audiobooks to replace podcasts Last week, I was thinking about balancing music listening and podcasts. I cut the list of the podcasts I listen to from around thirty to thirteen. It ā€¦

Jan 20, 2025: Test scheduled.

Jan 18, 2025: The ā€œvideo gaming is good for youā€ argument. Let me first address the actual fact that though I am not a ā€œGamerā€, I do play video games from time to time and have even lost a few months of my ā€¦

Jan 17, 2025: Reading Fiction vs Non-fiction For some years now, almost every book Iā€™ve read is non-fiction. Iā€™ve read a ton of tech books, books on health, and some history mainly. Iā€™m reading ā€¦

Jan 17, 2025: Music vs Podcasts Most of my entertainment is audio, podcasts specifically. I watch very few TV shows, I maybe one to three going ever, so thatā€™s like three hours of TV ā€¦

Jan 15, 2025: The Operating System Conundrum This is a repost, I was going to separate tech stuff from regular day to day, but screw it, Iā€™m going to slop all the stuff together.Ā  Either way, Iā€™m ā€¦

Jan 15, 2025: Testingā€¦

Jan 15, 2025: Multiple Blogs Sometimes I think I need a second blog to separate some topics, and then again I donā€™t. My favorite thing to write about tends to be tech stuff, and ā€¦

Jan 13, 2025: Travel test

Jan 6, 2025: Penpals Iā€™m always jumping back and forth about correspondence. Itā€™s one of the things I think analog is the best way to do it. Good oleā€™ pen and paper. I ā€¦

Jan 5, 2025: The great social flush! Iā€™ve come to the conclusion I follow way too many sites, people, or products on social media. I find myself scrolling the different sites and rarely ā€¦

Jan 4, 2025: Transitioning from Proton Mail Iā€™ve used Proton Mail on and off for a few years now. The premium package is pretty handy and comes with a bunch of extra services, there is no doubt ā€¦

Jan 1, 2025: Hello 2025 Well, itā€™s here, 2025. It seems like Y2K was just yesterday and we all the world was going to end, wasnā€™t that a laugh. To be honest, I donā€™t have ā€¦

Dec 25, 2024: Test photo.

Dec 25, 2024: Test.

Dec 22, 2024: Test new post.

Dec 21, 2024: Full circle, weā€™re moving So back in 2019 at peak covid our family moved from Dallas Texas to Staten Island, New York, where we stayed three years. Iā€™m not the biggest fan of ā€¦

Dec 18, 2024: The weekly wish <img height="1024" width="1024" alt="An image with caption: Cowboy at a PC" ā€¦

Nov 9, 2024: Trying out Pika And the trial of new blogging products continues. I recently just heard of Pika and figured I would give it a peek. It seems to hold to the original ā€¦

Nov 1, 2024: Common Grounds Coffeehouse in Brownwood, Texas. Ć¢Ā˜Ā•ĆÆĀøĀ

Sep 5, 2024: Cloudy morning at Brazos Bend State Park, from the observation tower. Unlike any other state park IĆ¢Ā€Ā™ve been to. DidnĆ¢Ā€Ā™t see any alligators.

May 9, 2023: Linking Combat and my Faith I joined the Bahaā€™i Faith in 2010. After a childhood growing up Catholic, my stint in high school as a proclaimed atheist, to a seeker after my time ā€¦

Feb 20, 2022: ā€œI Believeā€ thoughts on some lyrics This evening, I listened to the song I Believe by Andrea Bocelli and Katherine Jenkins. I am always so moved when I listen to this songā€”the blend of ā€¦

Feb 14, 2022: Afterlife ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ I just finished the series Afterlife about a widower who is having trouble getting beyond the loss of his wife. It has to be one of the greatest love ā€¦

Feb 9, 2022: Blinded by the Light ā­ā­ā­ā­1/2 Today I stumbled upon a great little movie I didnā€™t know existed. The story of a young Pakistani boy in England whose life is inspired by Bruce ā€¦

Feb 8, 2022: Ambassador to Humanity For those of you who are curious about other faiths or religions, I wanted to share a nine-episode podcast series I recently finished called ā€¦

Apr 9, 2021: Land <img height="1080" width="1080" alt="An image with filename: p8iYeQQB.jpg" src=""> Iā€™ve never ā€¦